Services offered
Welcome to Prodigy Performance, where we are dedicated to supporting you in your career journey. Our comprehensive range of services is designed to meet your employment needs and help you achieve your professional goals. Whether you’re seeking job placement, career coaching, resume writing assistance, or interview preparation, we have the expertise and resources to guide you every step of the way. Our team is committed to providing personalized support tailored to your unique skills and aspirations. Join us today and let’s embark on this journey together towards a brighter future.
Work Readiness Services
Work Readiness Services prepare participants to excel in their abilities to successfully obtain and maintain competitive integrated employment. Work Readiness Services benefits customers who have never worked, have not worked for a long time, or have a sporadic work history, and it prepares customers for successful employment so that they can manage or address vocational impairments and be self-sufficient. Work Readiness Services are offered in groups and individually. (The attachment shows the different Work Readiness “VAT” Training Classes
Basic and Enhanced Employment Services
Basic and Enhanced Employment Services include employment assistance that:
- trains and prepares customers for the job search
- helps customers obtain positions that meet their individual needs; and
- assists customers with Job Skills Training, when necessary, to keep a job
A customer’s job placement must match customer needs and business needs.
A customer’s job placement must be in a work environment that is:
- integrated
- competitive
- full-time or part-time, based on customer informed choice; and
- permanent, not temporary or seasonal
Job Skills Training Services
Job Skills Training includes:
Employment Data Sheet, Application, and Résumé Training
Job applications training
Job references and written correspondence training
Interview training
Pre-employment testing training
Job Search training
Job acceptance and preparing for the first day
On-the-job training
All services are based on a customer’s unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choices.

Work Experience Services:
Work Experience Services allow a customer to be placed at a business or agency within the community to learn skills for long-term, competitive, integrated employment. These entities are referred to as “Work Experience sites.” Work Experience services are intended to be short term (12 or fewer weeks) and part-time and can take place in a volunteer, internship, or temporary short-term paid-work setting. Work Experience Services are available for students or youth with disabilities and basic Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) customers and may be used as trial work to determine a customer’s eligibility for VR.
Work Experience may assist in:
- determining if a customer is ready for competitive, integrated employment
- evaluating if, after a change in the customer’s abilities or newly acquired vocational barriers, the customer continues to have the capacity to work in a particular field
- exploring a customer’s career options
- developing skills to increase a customer’s employability; and/or
- giving a customer additional experience related to vocational training or a degree
Work Experience Services provide an opportunity for customers to:
- learn and experience work culture
- identify career interests
- explore potential career goals
- identify on-the-job support needs
- develop employability skills and good work habits
- gain an understanding of employer expectations
- build self-confidence
- develop soft and hard skills
- gain work experience and competencies in a vocation
- develop an understanding of the workplace; and/or
- gain the connection between working and earning

Supported Employment (SE) Services:
Supported Employment (SE) services are based on a “Place, Then Train” model, designed to provide customers with the most significant disabilities, the supports they need to achieve competitive integrated employment. SE services include individualized job development and placement services, ongoing supports such as intensive job skills training, and arrangement of extended services (funded, paid, and/or natural supports) to help customers sustain meaningful long-term employment. Ongoing supports may include a variety of support activities chosen by the provider to help the customer maintain employment, such as:
- job orientation and assessment
- transportation or travel training
- evaluating the customer’s training and support needs
- intensive job skills training
- developing and maintaining production levels as expected by the employer
- advocating for the acceptance of the worker and his or her integration into the workplace
- advocating in support of the customer’s employment to his or her support network, treatment service providers, and benefits program coordinators
- helping the customer understand employment benefits (for example, vacation, sick leave, and insurance)
- discussing reasonable accommodations with the employer
- developing a support network that accommodates and positively reinforces the customer’s role as an employee
The SE specialist conducts job development and placement activities consistent with the customer’s preferences, interests, potential job tasks, and employment conditions identified in the SE Plan.
CPA Career Planning Assessment:
The Career Planning Assessment (CPA) is a functional assessment designed to evaluate the customer’s work skills, determine support needs, and provide information needed to plan for future employment. The CPA evaluator conducts the assessment using a variety of strategies, including exploration and work skills assessment. During the CPA, the CPA evaluator conducts interviews, observes the customer in natural environments such as at home or in the community, and assesses the customer in three integrated work settings.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Supports Services:
ASD Supports Plan is intended to address skills deficits that are barriers to employment for customers who have been diagnosed with ASD or who display diagnostic characteristics of ASD. These supports are the middle ground between clinical intervention and job skills training. The ASD Supports Plan:
- identifies new specific skills deficits to address
- includes five or fewer specific skills that are targeted in that plan; and
- ensures that there is not a duplication of services
Pre-Employment Transition Services
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) are activities designed for students with disabilities. Pre-ETS support the career development process to increase the success of students with disabilities in obtaining employment after graduation from high school. These services can start as early as fourteen (14) years of age and up to age twentytwo (22)
Pre-ETS supports are focused in five primary areas: career exploration, work-based learning, counseling on post-secondary education programs, work readiness, and self-advocacy. Social skills and independent living skills training topics are imbedded within the five areas.
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