Shackford Head State Park, Eastport, Maine
The Shackford Head State Park is a small park near the airport of Eastport, Maine. It encompasses 90 acres on Moose Island overlooking Cobscook Bay and has about three miles of hiking trails.
The hiking trail I took that day was the Schooner Head, Ship Point, and Shackford Head Trail Loop plus I started in the middle of Eastport, which gave me a total of 7 miles and 500 ft of elevation gain.
If you want to find out about the park trail, check out the Alltrails description of it.

While not all of the main trail looks as good as this part, you can, for sure, hike for at least half a mile into this park on well-maintained trails like this one before it gets muddy, harder terrain, or overgrown.
But even on this one here, you had some muddy spots, and I was happy to wear my water proofed hiking boots as they became useful later on in the hike when I stepped in deeper mud and on slippery trails.
Overall this is a beautiful hike that, with my starting point in the city, was a great workout and had some awesome views.

Here is one example of a more overgrown trail. I was wearing long pants and had tick spray on, so I don’t know if there are ticks, but I asked some fellow hikers I met on the trail, and they all said they had never had issues before on Moose Island but in other places in Maine. So I would always be cautious about ticks but don’t overdo it.
Tick spray should work, and wear the appropriate clothing with it.

This sign got me lost a little, and I know it got others lost as well. You would imagine the trail is in front of you as you came from behind me, but the trail is to the left. I know two people tried going straight, but I was heading to a different trail, and when I came back and wanted to go down that trail, I had to check on AllTrails, and it showed me that I was wrong. Sometimes an arrow on a sign can make a huge different to help hikers get where they need to be.
If you are reading this here, you need to wait for some more content to come, as I just started working on this and will add more content for this hiking trail soon.